MH-E-related questions about emacs-25 and master
Bill Wohler
2016-01-18 21:57:00 UTC
Hi John,

The MH-E team has been out of the kitchen for a while, but we're now
working on a few things, such as a fix to Bug#22317.

Since things have changed a bit since the last time we were engaged, I
wanted to clarify some things so we do The Right Thing.

Looking at admin/release-process, it appears that we should be checking
in everything other than new features directly into the emacs-25 branch.
I believe I read that you'll merge emacs-25 back to master once a week
or so. Correct?

How acceptable is it to commit to master and cherry pick (adding the
Backport: tag) or is that discouraged?

Backport: is mentioned in GitForEmacsDevs and admin/notes/git-worklow
but not in CONTRIBUTE. Since other comment tags are mentioned in
CONTRIBUTE, perhaps it should be. Is this the "skip mark" that is
mentioned but not defined in GitForEmacsDevs? Looking at the logs, it
appears the proper way to use it is to insert it and blank lines on
either side of it between the log message and the "cherry picked"
message inserted by git cherry-pick -x. I'd suggest that instead of
saying "add the Backport: tag" in git-workflow and GitForEmacsDevs, we
say "insert the Backport: tag before the cherry-pick string surrounded
by blank lines."

The document http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GitForEmacsDevs says to
check the order in ChangeLogs. I assume this is obsolete since it
contradicts what is written in CONTRIBUTE.

If we create an "mh-e" branch in order to share work before it's ready
for emacs-25 or master, do you have a preference for where it should go
in the Git branch namespace?

Jeff, Mike, do you have anything else to add?
Bill Wohler <***@newt.com> aka <***@nasa.gov>
Mike Kupfer
2016-01-18 23:10:30 UTC
Post by Bill Wohler
Jeff, Mike, do you have anything else to add?
Not me.

