[mh-e:bugs] #248 Mouse button 2 paste into header fields does not function
Bill Wohler
2014-07-30 04:52:51 UTC
- **summary**: mouse button 2 paste into header fields does not function --> Mouse button 2 paste into header fields does not function


** [bugs:#248] Mouse button 2 paste into header fields does not function**

**Status:** unread
**Milestone:** mh-e-8.0.3
**Labels:** ui
**Created:** Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:51 AM UTC by J G Miller
**Last Updated:** Sat Feb 23, 2013 09:17 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

If one cuts some text eg a recipient address or subject topic with the mouse cut and paste buffer, and one then tries to paste the text with mouse button 2 into the To: or Subject: fields, nothing happens.

Bill Wohler has provided an explanation and workaround --

The mouse-2 binding has been changed from mouse-yank-at-click to mh-letter-toggle-header-field-display-button.

Add the following to your mh-letter-mode-hook:

\(define-key mh-hidden-header-keymap \[mouse-2\] 'mouse-yank-at-click\)


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Bill Wohler
2016-01-18 05:46:18 UTC
- **status**: unread --> open


** [bugs:#248] Mouse button 2 paste into header fields does not function**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** mh-e-8.0.3
**Labels:** ui
**Created:** Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:51 AM UTC by J G Miller
**Last Updated:** Wed Jul 30, 2014 04:52 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

If one cuts some text eg a recipient address or subject topic with the mouse cut and paste buffer, and one then tries to paste the text with mouse button 2 into the To: or Subject: fields, nothing happens.

Bill Wohler has provided an explanation and workaround --

The mouse-2 binding has been changed from mouse-yank-at-click to mh-letter-toggle-header-field-display-button.

Add the following to your mh-letter-mode-hook:

\(define-key mh-hidden-header-keymap \[mouse-2\] 'mouse-yank-at-click\)


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