[mh-e:bugs] #483 easy way to download remote images
Mike Kupfer
2016-02-28 03:15:45 UTC

** [bugs:#483] easy way to download remote images**

**Status:** unread
**Milestone:** Unassigned
**Created:** Sun Feb 28, 2016 03:15 AM UTC by Mike Kupfer
**Last Updated:** Sun Feb 28, 2016 03:15 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Emacs 25 will contain changes to ensure that remote images in HTML email are not downloaded by default. It would be nice if MH-E had an easy way for the user to manually download and display images. Gnus, for example, has gnus-article-show-images, which is bound to 'W D W'.


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Mike Kupfer
2016-02-28 03:18:32 UTC
- **status**: unread --> open


** [bugs:#483] easy way to download remote images**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** Unassigned
**Created:** Sun Feb 28, 2016 03:15 AM UTC by Mike Kupfer
**Last Updated:** Sun Feb 28, 2016 03:15 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Emacs 25 will contain changes to ensure that remote images in HTML email are not downloaded by default. It would be nice if MH-E had an easy way for the user to manually download and display images. Gnus, for example, has gnus-article-show-images, which is bound to 'W D W'.


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Bill Wohler
2016-02-28 07:01:14 UTC
Sounds good.

Is K an appropriate prefix? In that case, I can imagine either K i[m]ages if this is to be limited to just images or K [d]ownload if we'd also like this command to apply to external body parts also. We have another ticket (or should) to disable the downloading of external body parts by default.

The implementation would be at the mm level, right?



** [bugs:#483] easy way to download remote images**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** Unassigned
**Created:** Sun Feb 28, 2016 03:15 AM UTC by Mike Kupfer
**Last Updated:** Sun Feb 28, 2016 03:18 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Emacs 25 will contain changes to ensure that remote images in HTML email are not downloaded by default. It would be nice if MH-E had an easy way for the user to manually download and display images. Gnus, for example, has gnus-article-show-images, which is bound to 'W D W'.


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Mike Kupfer
2016-02-29 02:49:55 UTC
K does look like the appropriate prefix. "K i" is already taken by mh-show-inline-mime-part, though.

Having a separate command for just images sounds like it would be useful. I recall a complaint about automatic downloading of external body parts, but I don't know if a bug was ever filed. Something about new-release emails (for nmh?) that contained a reference to the tarball for the new release. So if an email contains references to both remote images and remote large objects, being able to easily download just the images would be a win. FWIW, "W D W" in Gnus looks like it's just for images.

I hadn't thought about the implementation until your question. Certainly the mm layer would be responsible for download and display. But MH-E displays messages a part at a time, so some implementation logic might be needed in MH-E. It might suffice to simply redisplay the message, but with the mm control variables set to download and display.


** [bugs:#483] easy way to download remote images**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** Unassigned
**Created:** Sun Feb 28, 2016 03:15 AM UTC by Mike Kupfer
**Last Updated:** Sun Feb 28, 2016 07:01 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Emacs 25 will contain changes to ensure that remote images in HTML email are not downloaded by default. It would be nice if MH-E had an easy way for the user to manually download and display images. Gnus, for example, has gnus-article-show-images, which is bound to 'W D W'.


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