[mh-e:bugs] #377 Offer completions for application/octet-stream parts
Bill Wohler
2016-01-18 05:37:13 UTC
- **status**: unread --> open


** [bugs:#377] Offer completions for application/octet-stream parts**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** mh-e-8.0.2
**Labels:** mime
**Created:** Tue Aug 01, 2006 05:08 PM UTC by Bill Wohler
**Last Updated:** Sat Feb 23, 2013 09:17 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Many mailers still send attachments as
application/octet-stream. Ideally, we'd sniff the magic
at the beginning of the file and convert the
Content-Type accordingly, so that the user wouldn't
have to use mh-display-with-external-viewer in the
first place. But that might be beyond the scope of this
feature request.

This feature request concerns
mh-display-with-external-viewer: if that function
doesn't turn up any completions \(as is the case with
application/octet-stream\), MH-E should try to sniff the
type of attachment through the magic at the beginning
of the file and offer those programs that can view it
\(from /etc/mailcap\).

If this isn't easy to do, a stop-gap solution would be
to complete on all programs in $PATH in this case.


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