Bill Wohler
2016-01-18 05:45:07 UTC
- **status**: unread --> open
- **Milestone**: --> Unassigned
** [bugs:#254] MIME tag presence detection can fail**
**Status:** open
**Milestone:** Unassigned
**Created:** Fri May 21, 2010 12:10 AM UTC by Peter S Galbraith
**Last Updated:** Sat Feb 23, 2013 09:17 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Hi all,
We currently check if MIME attachments constructs \(with part
declarations\) are present using:
\(defun mh-mml-tag-present-p \(\)
"Check if the current buffer has text which may be a MML tag."
\(goto-char \(point-min\)\)
"\\\\\(<\#\\\\\(mml\\\|part\\\\\)\\\\\(.\\\|\n\\\\\)\*>\[ \n\t\]\*<\#/\\\\\(mml\\\|part\\\\\)>\\\|"
nil t\)\)\)
But in the content of the attachment may not be in a file, but in the
buffer itself. In such cases, the above may fail when ther is too much text:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: \(error "Stack overflow in regexp matcher"\)
I suggest that looking for the closing part isn't required and this
should be okay:
\(defun mh-mml-tag-present-p \(\)
"Check if the current buffer has text which may be a MML tag."
\(goto-char \(point-min\)\)
\(re-search-forward "\\\\\(<\#\\\\\(mml\\\|part\\\\\)\\\|^<\#secure.+>$\\\\\)" nil t\)\)\)
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- **Milestone**: --> Unassigned
** [bugs:#254] MIME tag presence detection can fail**
**Status:** open
**Milestone:** Unassigned
**Created:** Fri May 21, 2010 12:10 AM UTC by Peter S Galbraith
**Last Updated:** Sat Feb 23, 2013 09:17 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Hi all,
We currently check if MIME attachments constructs \(with part
declarations\) are present using:
\(defun mh-mml-tag-present-p \(\)
"Check if the current buffer has text which may be a MML tag."
\(goto-char \(point-min\)\)
"\\\\\(<\#\\\\\(mml\\\|part\\\\\)\\\\\(.\\\|\n\\\\\)\*>\[ \n\t\]\*<\#/\\\\\(mml\\\|part\\\\\)>\\\|"
nil t\)\)\)
But in the content of the attachment may not be in a file, but in the
buffer itself. In such cases, the above may fail when ther is too much text:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: \(error "Stack overflow in regexp matcher"\)
I suggest that looking for the closing part isn't required and this
should be okay:
\(defun mh-mml-tag-present-p \(\)
"Check if the current buffer has text which may be a MML tag."
\(goto-char \(point-min\)\)
\(re-search-forward "\\\\\(<\#\\\\\(mml\\\|part\\\\\)\\\|^<\#secure.+>$\\\\\)" nil t\)\)\)
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