[mh-e:bugs] #472 The variable mh-unseen-seq is set when Unseen_Sequence does not exist
Mike Kupfer
2015-06-21 23:18:07 UTC
- **Milestone**: mh-e-8.6 --> mh-e-8.7


** [bugs:#472] The variable mh-unseen-seq is set when Unseen_Sequence does not exist**

**Status:** open
**Milestone:** mh-e-8.7
**Created:** Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:24 AM UTC by Bill Wohler
**Last Updated:** Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:24 AM UTC
**Owner:** Bill Wohler

Sergey points out that we set mh-unseen-seq to "unseen" if Unseen-Sequence is not defined. His feeling is that we should leave mh-unseen-seq as nil in this case.

Thus, remove this case and check that the code handles a nil mh-unseen-seq gracefully.


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